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Presentation is the lifeblood of corporate life. From casual meetings to full-fledged seminars, executives are often confronted with the challenge of conveying ideas succinctly and speaking confidently in public. Effective presentation and public speaking skills are important in business, sales and selling, training, teaching, pitching, lecturing and generally entertaining an audience. Developing the confidence to give good presentations, standing in front of an audience and speaking well, is also extremely helpful for self-development in all aspects of life. Presentation skills are not limited to certain special people or high executives - anyone who works in a company should be able to deliver public presentations to a professional standard - that is, if one wants to advance in one's career.


Like anything in life, it takes preparation, practice and persistence to build the necessary attributes. ExeCom can help with that, since our business seminars address different formats of presentations: oral, multimedia, powerpoint presentations, short impomptu presentations, long planned presentations, educational or training sessions, lectures and business pitches. For all their variegated nature, successful presentations always share certain essential techniques: these are the cornerstones of business presentation that Executive communication addresses in its seminars. There is no business executive that would not be ecstatic for the chance of enhancing business clout and credibility - things that require good presentation skills.


As with all of ExeCom's Business Seminars, Presentation Skills can be taught in one-to-one sessions or in group classes. Training is provided on site in Athens, Greece, or online for people who live in other parts of the world.